We have just invested in the latest 3D OCT-1 Maestro Optical Coherence Topographer from Topcon. Patients with MACULAR DEGENERATION, GLAUCOMA and DIABETES will particularly benefit from this service. We are proud to offer the latest 3D OCT scans to every patient as part of a routine eye examination for only £10 - (Average OCT charge elsewhere ranges from £25-£40 on top of sight test fee!)
An example 3D OCT scan
Using light reflected from the front or the back of the eye, the OCT creates a highly detailed picture in two or three dimensions. This can give your optometrist a view of your eyes on a microscopic level. The major benefit of this is that it allows your optometrist to literally see beneath the surface, allowing them to view structures and sections of the eye that would be otherwise invisible.
Never before has it been easier to find out the exact state and location of a particular eye condition. Your optometrist can then review the images on a PC screen and pin point areas of concern by digitally peeling back the layers until they define any areas requiring further investigation.
Having an OCT scan taken is a quick and easy process. Nothing comes into contact with the eye and it is completely pain free. You will be asked to look at a target and the scan will be taken in less than a minute, much like getting a photograph taken.